The Art of Glowing
"Glowing" is a recent release directed by Tyler the Creator, of the hip hop collective Odd Future. This music video is a vivid narrative that follows a young couple as their love progresses through old age, all while the world crumbles around them.
This is a dreamy pop ballad, that acts as the soundtrack to a story told through a unique treatment of color. The video reveals three distinct looks, all reflecting a prominent theme of contrast, as the couple is shown in their blissful disposition, against flashes of brutal news clips.
Colorist Clark Muller worked closely with the DP, Luis Perez, to carefully craft each look. The first of which, adapts vibrant and saturated hues, revealing the couple as children. The second look bears a visually impressive infrared tone. Here, each shot is submerged in the infrared, while the two lovers radiate in their natural skin tone. Finally, the darkest look concludes the video, showing the world through dystopian lenses in shades of grey and blue. These sharp color moods enhance the striking nature of this video, as achieved through the juxtaposition of beauty vs real life tragedy, shaking the senses through a narrative that is undoubtedly compelling.
Check out Tyler, The Creator's new video at the following link: